Tom Brady apologizes to "Cheat" Blakeman

Robert Deutsch/USA Today Sports
We all remember the November 18th, 2013 game when we lost to the Panthers 24-20. Brady threw a would be tuddy to Gronk who was form tackled by Luke "Clutchy" while the ball was in the air on the final play of the game. A flag was thrown for the blatant PI, giving the Patriots one final untimed down to win the game. But then they weren't. Clete "Cheat" Blakeman picked up the flag because they said the pass was uncatchable. Which was a joke. ESPN Sports Science even did a segment just to show how very catchable the pass was. Tom didn't take it that well.

I don't blame him at all. That was a travesty that neither Tom nor I will soon forget. When I saw the headlines today announcing that Tom was apologizing I was little put off. Tom doesn't apologize to you, you apologize to him. Then I read his quote. "I wasn't very positive," Brady told reporters. "I don't think I said very nice things to him, so I'd like to apologize to him. But yeah, that was a little unfortunate. I wish we had gotten that call. That would've been a good call. That would have been a fun next play; I'll tell you that. With one play left in the game, but oh well."

That's not an apology! Let me tell you what's really going down here. Tom told the dude who cheated him out of a win during an NFL season to go have sex with himself. Four years later, Tom remembers every word he uttered in this man's direction, and would like the man to know that he meant every last one of them. What an unfortunate act that was, when this man cheated Tom out of a win. Tom wishes the correct call had been allowed to stand, it would have been good. Oh well, Tom is SURE WE'LL GET THE NEXT ONE.

That's all this is. Cheat Blakeman hasn't done a Pats game yet this year, but you best believe that when that assignment comes in I'm betting the house on the Pats. If he tries to throw a flag against us with Tom on the field may God have mercy on his soul. Imagine Cheat even reaching for a flag against us?? The glare he would get from Tom's glacier blue eyes might turn him to actual stone. Pats by a billion next time Cheat is in town.

PS What I would give to have Tom scream at me the way he gave it to Blakeman. That passion! Swoon.