Patriots defense hits its stride in victory

The Patriots rolled to another win over a division rival putting up 36 points in the process. So the biggest take away from this game would be that the offense was clicking and was unstoppable right?

That would be a negative ghost rider.

In tonight's game, the defense of the Patriots was the best unit on the field. Sure the offense put up 36 but they were sloppy and uninspired in the first half. Meanwhile the defense kept the Dolphins from ever getting into the game while the offense found its sea legs.

The Dolphins were coming off of a game where they put up 41 points and 175 yards rushing in the first half alone! They had four touchdown plays over 50 yards in that same stretch, to say that their offense was clicking would be an understatement.

So how did the Patriots do with the hot Dolphins offense during the first half. Oh nothing to exciting, just held them to 75 total yards and zero points. Closest the Dolphins got to scoring was a 63 yard field goal attempt that sailed 20 yards wide left as time expired on the second period.

The pass rush was ferocious, sacking Ryan Tannehill 5 times and never allowing him to get into a rhythm. That same front seven only allowed 15 yards rushing on the night while the defensive backfield kept the receivers in check and picked off Tannehill twice.

The stats from this defense are nice but the best thing about is the feel about this defense. It has the feel of a defense that wont' give up. A defense that won't fail when their backs are against the wall. A defense that is starting to feel like the championship unit of last year. If you went just off of twitter, you would feel like this defense is giving up 30 points a game and the offense is constantly bailing them out. Sort of like the 2011 season. People crying for a midseason trade for a corner back to come in and "save" the day. Yet, its just not needed. This defense is gelling. Are they a lock down unit that won't give up yards and points. No! Not even close! But they don't need to. This offense is scoring 30 plus a game. If this defense keeps the score under 20 its pretty much an automatic victory.

This defense is coming together, just like last years. They will continue to get better and might even be better than last year because this D can flat out get after opposing QBs. Something last years defense had difficulty doing consistently. So its time to start giving these guys their due credit as they deserve it.

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