On the Bubble: Chris Jones is keeping up
DT Chris Jones may have a solid chance to make the 2014 New England Patriots roster. Chris, the sixth round pick of the 2013 Houston Texans, needs to show that there is room for more than one Jones on the defensive front. With health always a concern on the defensive line for Tom Kelly and Vince Wilfork, it is important to "keep up with the Joneses".
A recent New York Times article took a look back at Dwight Eisenhower's professional career. Prior to his admittance to West Point in 1909, Dwight played minor league baseball under an assumed name of “Wilson”. This was done so Dwight could help pay for his brother, Edgar to attend the University of Michigan. With his appointment to West Point, he could not reveal that he was once, a professional baseball player. He would have been in violation of NCAA rules.
Following World War II in 1948, General Eisenhower was asked “Which Wilson was Wilson”? Ike shot back. “I was the Wilson who could hit”.
All Chris has to do is tell them, he is the one “who sacks QBs”.
Paul Murphy is a freelance writer from New Hampshire.
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