ESPN: Tom Brady is no longer a top 5 QB

I’m already pissed. Just reading that title pisses me off. Sam Monson of ESPN just wrote a piece talking about how Brady is no longer a top 5 QB because he is no longer effective under pressure or some bullshit. Here’s Monson’s reasoning:
Tom Brady is no longer a top-5 QB, writes @PFF_Sam » (in)
— ESPN Insider (@ESPNInsider) June 2, 2014
I have so many problems with this already, but I’m going to try to calm down and take on each problem one at a time. Wish me luck.
So my first question to Mr. Monson is, if we assume you are right and that Brady has fallen out of top 5 status, who beats him? Who is in your top 5? I'm curious.
Let’s assume it’s the usual suspects. You’re saying that Peyton Manning, Aaron Rodgers, Drew Brees, Andrew Luck, and Russell Wilson are all better than Brady? Really? Because that’s a joke. And if you have any other QB’s in that list, it’s an even bigger joke.
Your reason that Brady now magically sucks is because he had a bad completion rating last year when dealing with pressure. In fact later in the article you give numbers showing his decline over the last 4 years:
From the article: Over past 4 seasons, Brady's TD:INT ratio under pressure has gone from 6:1, 4:1, 2:1, 1:1 in 2013, with 5 TDs, 5 INTs
— Sam Monson (@PFF_Sam) June 2, 2014
Is it safe to assume that for the average quarterback that ratio would be 2:1? So Brady has just become normal. He hasn’t become worse than the average quarterback, he’s just joined the mere mortals on Earth. And yes, he threw poorly last year according to your numbers, but that’s what happens when your O-line can’t block worth a damn and your receiving core consists of Danny “ouch my leg hurts” Amendola and Rob “if only I could play a full season” Gronkowski, along with rookies Aaron Drop-son and Kenbrell “I’m good for one amazing catch on the season” Thompkins. HE HAD A BAD SUPPORTING CAST!
Now Brady haters will say these are all excuses and to a certain extent, yea that’s exactly what they are. But they’re also reasons for a dip in his numbers. Do you know who Brady had to throw to in 2010 when he had a 6:1 ratio? Hall of Famer Randy Moss, slot man extraordinaire Wes Welker, a healthy Gronk, and Hernandez, before we realized he was a murderer. If Brady was feeling pressure, he could just throw the ball as high and far as he could and Moss would go get it!
It’s ridiculous to look at these numbers and say Brady is no longer a top 5 quarterback in the NFL. You’re ignoring the fact that Brady still is the greatest quarterback in the 4th quarter, that when he can be protected he picks apart defenses with ease and that he led his team to the AFC championship last year. Yea, that year where you said he sucked it up, he took the team to the AFC championship. And this is like Adrian Peterson carrying the Vikings to the postseason two years ago. All we had last year was Brady and we went to the AFC championship and lost to the greatest offense this league has ever seen. I have a hard time saying that that quarterback is not a top 5 QB in the league.
Honestly, when I read a piece like this, all I see is someone who is dying to see Brady fail and the minute numbers show a hint of decline, these people jump on it and claim that Brady is done. Great. Good for you. You’ll just look like a bigger dumb ass when this season Brady plays another perfect season and picks your team’s defense apart.
But keep telling yourself he’s no longer top 5. That’ll show him.
- Pete Rogers