(VIDEO) Top 5 Reasons Peyton Manning Is A Bigger Jerk Than Richard Sherman
Seattle Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman is taking a lot of heat this week for Sunday’s super rant. Sherman has been called everything from a loudmouth, a jerk, a thug and even worse out there in the wild west of the Twitterverse.
However, whatever you might think of Sherman, he is an intelligent, hard working player that is a good teammate and backs up all the smack talk on the field.
Which brings us to his opponent come Super Bowl Sunday: Peyton Manning.
Peyton Manning, the NFL golden boy with all the regular season records and one Super Bowl win, appears to do no wrong in the eyes of the NFL and the media. Why does Manning get the free pass? He's just as egocentric, emotional and exasperating.
Here are the top 5 reasons Peyton Manning is a bigger jerk than Richard Sherman:
1. Manning is not a team player
A real leader doesn't throw his teammates under the bus, ignore coaches or take all the credit. Manning has called teammates idiots, showed them up on national TV and makes the “Manning face” whenever things don’t go the Peyton way. Also, has he ever not changed a play sent in to him from the sidelines?
2. Manning loves attention
“Omaha, Omaha.” Shut up, shut up! Watch the Broncos and try to get through through the game without hearing Manning’s line of scrimmage nonsense. Then there’s the commercial breaks. Can a minute go by without seeing number 18′s giant red forehead on the TV screen? Maybe if Manning spent less time seeking the spotlight he’d have more Super Bowl rings than his little brother.
3. $$Manning is greedy$$
Has Manning ever seen a product he wouldn’t endorse? Pitchman Peyton currently brings in $12 million a year in endorsements and has whored himself out to everything from credit cards and cell phones to Buick’s and Oreos.
Football on my phone is pretty funny, though. Damn you, Peyton!
4. Manning is no role model
Peyton Manning likes to play it up that he’s a role model to the kids. You want him babysitting?
5. Manning’s pizza sucks
Pizza pusher Peyton owns 21 Papa John’s franchises in the munchies capital of the US – Colorado. Coincidence? Manning pays his employees less than $10 an hour while he rakes in the millions shilling pies that taste just a little better than the cardboard box they arrive in.
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