The Patriots lose to the Panthers via bad officiating and I've got the proof too
Follow Scott Levesque on Twitter at @scottlevesque.
Warning: After watching the following Vine videos one might experience sensory overload leading to the destruction of a cell phone, computer or television. Remember, you've been warned.
The Patriots were royally screwed tonight on Monday Night Football and I've got the footage to prove it. Feast on your spygate eyes on these shenanigans, Billy.
Thank goodness for the social media platform known as Vine. Now, if I could only find Roger Goodell's username perhaps we would be getting some stuff done, son!
I heard it was @IReallyDontCareAboutTheNFLPlayersSuckas, but that seems a little outlandish.
The Initial Play Vine
The Multiple Angles Vine
The Reaction Vine: Tom Brady Edition
Warning: After watching the following Vine videos one might experience sensory overload leading to the destruction of a cell phone, computer or television. Remember, you've been warned.
The Patriots were royally screwed tonight on Monday Night Football and I've got the footage to prove it. Feast on your spygate eyes on these shenanigans, Billy.
Thank goodness for the social media platform known as Vine. Now, if I could only find Roger Goodell's username perhaps we would be getting some stuff done, son!
I heard it was @IReallyDontCareAboutTheNFLPlayersSuckas, but that seems a little outlandish.
The Initial Play Vine
The Multiple Angles Vine
The Reaction Vine: Tom Brady Edition