Hernandez back in the NFL?
In a starting revelation this week, the article that was printed in RollingStone this week had a very interesting statement in it, one that said Aaron Hernandez could be back playing in the NFL within a few years, especially with the "case" that the prosecution is building against him currently. Paul Solotaroff of RollingStone magazine said that they (the prosecution) have "grossly overcharged him on based on the case they are building". It is known that he is hooked on the gun charges, there is no question, even to Solotaroff. But they still have no murder weapon, and they don't have anything else along the lines of hard evidence according to Solotaroff. But with no prior convictions on his record, it is extremely likely that he will get a few years max for the gun crimes, and if not convicted of murder, he will be back in the NFL in a few years, with teams wanting his ability.
"But as crazy as it sounds, this is a guy with no priors. So asking a judge to sentence Hernandez to consecutive prison bids — rather than contemporary ones — is going to be a very hard sell for the prosecution. And if in fact he winds up doing three years behind [bars for] those gun charges — which would be a lot in this case — he's 26, 27, with very low mileage on those legs of his and a lot of time to heal up. My sources tell me there will be more than one NFL team pursuing him hotly when he walks out of jail in four years."
Granted, americans love a redemption and comeback story, but this one may be very far fetched. He has a ton of charges, and is almost guaranteed to get hooked on a few of them, if not all. One thing is for sure, when it comes time, if there ever us a time, it will be interesting to see what happens to number 81
- Joshua Powers