Brady on Tebow: "He's a great guy"
"I've really enjoyed it. He is a great guy. He is fun to be around," Brady said. "He's had a lot of experience and a lot of productivity. We have good conversation. He loves playing football and that's usually the type of guys who do well here."
Tebow, who started as the third string quarterback for the Pats, has also seen some time now being the personal protector for the punt team. He has also caught some passes from Mallet and Brady during certain drills. When asked about how he is liking camp so far, Tebow had this to say:
"I'm feeling good, working hard," he relayed. "I'm just trying to get better every single day. That's our goal. ... Just learning the offense, you feel more comfortable every single day. There is some carry-over from Denver, but then it's picking up again and running with it and trying to understand it and play fast."
Although his playing may not be up to par so far with the patriots way, Tebow is certainly a fan favorite in every way. He stays late after practice and signs for the countless number of fans that come to see him, stating that signing an autograph can go a long way for someone and give them a little bit of hope. Besides being a fan favorite, Tebow has two big allies on his side, Brady and McDaniels. Brady has years of experience, and with them all coming under the Patriots, he can mold Tebow and teach him everything that he needs to one day becoming the starter, or even taking some snaps someday. McDaniels, who drafted Tebow and was the first one to work with him, has the opportunity to start off where he left off in Denver.
Basically, give him time, if Brady believes in him then we must as well. It just takes a little time
- Joshua Powers